Hybrid car technology is at the cusp of becoming the primary vehicle technology. This site will be designed to let you, the hybrid car owner, have a place to go for all of your vehicle's needs. We are here for you to find the best parts to fix or upgrade your car yourself, the most experienced (and most competent) repair shops to take your hybrid to, and any information you may need. We will also have an owners forum for you to have a community to share it all with.
    We are located in Berkeley, California - the hybrid car epicenter of mankind (ok- it feels that way) - and have been in the automotive industry here for years. We know repair shops, customers, plug-in conversion specialists and friends who are owners. From being in the right place at the right time for so long we have compiled the best of the best, and now want to pass it on to you. Check back in the next few months and Hybridrepair.com will bloom into fruition!
    Thanks for coming here, and I hope we begin a great relationship with each other and with your hybrid.